Specialty Coffee


It was the year 2016 when four women from Tello decided to work together, fighting to obtain a voice in the coffee production, still a very patriarchal reality.

Normally women work supporting their husbands, but without property rights therefore without the power of making decisions. ASOMUPRISMA, formalized as a non-profit by the Chamber of Commerce of Nevia, is now made up of 21 women. Their mission is to give value to the work and the worth of women in the production, offering the women associated the access to courses revolving around the techniques of the production, finance management and how to obtain loans or sales contracts.

Contact us

Strada Martinella, 119 43124 Parma
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Opening time

Monday - Friday
08:30 - 12:30 | 14:30 - 18:30

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We have a wide selection of blends

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